What kind of safety and health measures do you use?
We are working very hard to create a safe clean environment for our families. Our spacious lobby easily allows for social distancing. All surfaces, toys, and materials are cleaned with CDC approved disinfectants. We ask our families to monitor their health. If a client or his/her family member is showing any signs of illness (including coughs, runny noses, temperatures, diarrhea, etc), please kindly ask to reschedule another day when all are well. We believe in team work in our office! We must all work together to keep each other safe and well!
My son did not qualify for services at school but I am still concerned. Can he receive private services?
Yes. Sometimes parents are surprised when an evaluation at school reveals that their child has some difficulty--but not enough to receive services at school. If the parent can provide an evaluation report or paperwork from the school, this can usually be used to develop a treatment plan.
I'm feeling a little concerned about my child's communication skills. I'm not sure if he needs help. What should I do?
Contact Engage TherapyWorks LLC by email [email protected] or call (262) 696-8190. We would be glad to hear your concerns and answer any questions.
Where are services provided?
In office services are provided in our therapy office at 690 Westfield Way, Suite A-1, in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.
How much does an evaluation or therapy session cost?
The fees vary depending on the services being provided. Please contact Robin Hicks at [email protected] or (262) 696-8190 for more information. If you leave a voicemail, please let us know some preferred times that we can call you back.
Can services be billed to my insurance?
Engage TherapyWorks LLC does not bill insurance for evaluations or treatment. You may submit the claim to your insurance provider on your own. Some insurance companies will provide coverage when billed in this manner. We will not communicate with insurance companies; any communication on your family's behalf will need to be done by you.
If you plan to submit to your insurance company, you should:
If you plan to submit to your insurance company, you should:
- Check with your insurance company before your first visit to find out what speech and language or occupational services they will pay for.
- Find out what information the insurance company needs. You may need a note from your doctor, called a referral. You may need permission from the insurance company, call pre-authorization. Referrals and pre-authorizations do not guarantee that insurance will pay for services.
- Payment is due at the time of service, regardless of whether or not you will submit to your insurance.
Do I need a referral or script from a physician?
No. This is not necessary since we are not billing insurance.
Will Engage TherapyWorks LLC provide a Good Faith Estimate for Health Care Items and Services under the No Surprises Act?
Yes. Under Section 2799B-6 of the Public Health Service Act, health care providers and health care facilities are required to provide a good faith estimate of expected charges for items and services to individuals who are not enrolled in a plan or coverage or a Federal health care program, or not seeking to file a claim with their plan or coverage both orally and in writing, upon request or at the time of scheduling health care items and services.
My daughter receives therapy services at school during the school year. Will you provide therapy just for the summer?
Yes! If parents can provide a current individualized education plan (IEP), this private provider will use it for treatment plan development.
Are therapy sessions one-on-one or group?
Either individual (one-on-one) or small group sessions are available. Individual therapy sessions allow for parents to be present during activities and allow for collaboration throughout the session. Small group therapy sessions are available; however, no parent collaboration within the session is included due to the confidentiality rights of the others involved.
Can my child receive private therapy services in addition to school speech/language or occupational therapy?
Yes! Some parents want to try to facilitate progress by seeking multiple service providers to address their child's needs. Children can receive services from more than one provider. When the parents provide consent, the service providers can contact each other for collaboration and planning.
Can parents attend therapy sessions?
Parents can attend individual therapy sessions. Collaboration between the speech-language pathologist and parents is vital to the progress of the client. All individual sessions include feedback and strategies (provided within the session) for facilitation of carryover into daily living skills. Small group therapy sessions are available; however, no parent collaboration within the session is included due to the confidentiality rights of the others involved.
Can you help us? My child...
- is having trouble drinking from a bottle/nursing and is losing weight
- keeps sticking her tongue out and won’t take anything from a spoon
- will only drink from a bottle and refuses all of the cups I offer
- isn’t chewing food before he swallows it and sometimes gags/coughs while he is eating
- used to eat more, but now only eats a few foods
- cries, turns away or pushes away foods I try to give her
- gags or vomits when I try to give him certain foods
- refuses to pick up or touch certain foods
- will only eat food with her hands, but not a spoon or fork
- won’t sit at the table while we eat
What is occupational therapy?
An occupation is described as an activity of daily living (i.e. getting dressed, eating, going to school, attending to a lesson, brushing teeth, etc.). Occupational therapy occurs when developmental disabilities or sensory processing concerns inhibit the ability to participate in activities of daily living.
What does an occupational therapy session look like?
Each child is different and therefore each session is different. Many goals can be met in a child’s natural occupation (play) so often sessions will look like structured play. All sessions will include home programming to continue strategies at home.
Can I pay for services with my flexible spending account?
You may choose to use your flexible spending account card to pay electronically. Or you can pay us by cash or check and request a receipt at the end of the month. You may submit your receipt to your flexible spending account service.
Does Engage TherapyWorks have a fax number?
No. Please email us or call our office and leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Does Engage TherapyWorks offer groups in the summer?
We offer a variety of groups or classes during the summer. Types of groups and ages vary. Please monitor our Facebook page or Upcoming Opportunities on our website for any announcements.